Comparison of intravenous hydralazine-bolus dose versus continuous infusion drip in Eclampsia

Comparison of intravenous hydralazine-bolus dose versus continuous infusion drip in Eclampsia



Eclampsia. Hydralazine. Maternal Mortality. Injections, Intravenous. Hypertension. Drip Infusion. Pre-Eclampsia. Antihypertensive Agents. Hypertension, Pregnancy-Induced.


The leading cause of maternal death from eclampsia is cerebral hemorrhage, which is presumably the consequence of severe hypertension, so the acute elevations in blood pressure above 160/100 mm Hg should be brought under control. A study of forty diagnosed cases of eclampsia was carried out in Lady Willingdon Hospital, Lahore to determine the time and quantity of drug required to control high blood pressure levels by intravenous hydralazine bolus dose versus continuous infusion drip. Patients were divided into control and case group. In control group continuous infusion was given and in cases bolus dose was given. Mean time taken to control blood pressure by continuous infusion was 124.75 minutes and drug quantity was 23.50 mg while it was 52 minutes and 12.25 mg in case of bolus method. The study showed that 60-70% less time was required and 37.5-50% less drug quantity was used in bolus method versus continuous infusion of intravenous hydralazine. Regarding efficacy of intravenous hydralazine, it was fou nd to be statistically superior in this study (P<0.05) so that management strategy should be changed in favour of bolus dose as compared to continuous infusion of intravenous hydralazine.




How to Cite

Comparison of intravenous hydralazine-bolus dose versus continuous infusion drip in Eclampsia. (2016). Annals of King Edward Medical University, 11(4).



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