An example of Non-Cooperative patient attitude and legal implications
Trial of Labor. Pregnancy, High-Risk. Vaginal Birth after Cesarean. Cesarean Section, Repeat. Genital Diseases, Female. Pregnancy Complications. Uterine Rupture. Cesarean Section. Delivery, Obstetric.Abstract
Previous two Cesarean Section is a clear indication for C/section at term for safe mode of delivery. In earlier gestation if labour sets in and it fails to respond to tocolytics or in situations where tocolysis is contraindicated, even then operative delivery is safe mode. This is a case report of a patient with history of laparotomy for repair of uterine rupture followed by four cesarean section. In her last pregnancy she presented with premature preterm established labor obstetrician decided about cesarean section on failure of primary management with tocolytics and dexamethasone. But she refused to give consent for cesarean section. Although she went safe and sound along her baby after three days of delivery but exposed her self, her baby and the obstetrician to multiple hazards.
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