Association of ABO, Rh blood groups systems with lipids and other anthropometric co variables as predictors of cardiovascular risk in NWFP, Pakistan

Association of ABO, Rh blood groups systems with lipids and other anthropometric co variables as predictors of cardiovascular risk in NWFP, Pakistan


  • Shamim Alam
  • Ihteshamul Haq



Anthropometry. Blood Grouping and Crossmatching. Risk. Lipids. Cardiovascular System. Rh-Hr Blood-Group System. Risk Factors. ABO Blood-Group System. Body Constitution.


Aims and Objects: The present study was carried out to find the possibility of association of lipid profile with ABO/Rh blood groups and other anthropometric co- variables as cardiovascular risk. Material and Methods: A community-based investigation was carried out on lipid profiles and blood groups of selected population of rural and urban areas of Peshawar. NWFP on total of 1304 subjects out of which 548 were females and 756 were males. Age ranged from 16-75 years. Due emphasis was laid in the study on anthropometric parameters (age, height, body weight and body mass index) blood pressure and dietary parameters. Results: Blood grouping revealed distribution of various blood groups in the order of their predominance being B>O>A>AB. The Rh- positive subjects were 94.6% of the total. Sex wise analysis of anthropometric data, blood pressure including pulse rate and lipid profiles prior to partitioning by Rh factor revealed only sporadic significant differences among the various ABO blood phenotypes. When the ABO phenotypes were partitioned according to Rh factor and gender, substantially more significant Rh factor associated differences were seen among the ABO phenotypes. Conclusion: Most of the lipid profile parameters for the sample do not provide enough evidence of hyperlipidemia and cardiovascular risk. The A and A B Phenotypes show lesser long term risk if any. The B and 0 phenotypes have relatively higher tendency of adverse lipid/lipoprotein metabolism and hence invite greater attention from therapeutic point of view. There is no evidence of predisposition of phenotype A as a co marker of risk of cardiovascular disorders.




How to Cite

Alam, S., & Haq, I. (2016). Association of ABO, Rh blood groups systems with lipids and other anthropometric co variables as predictors of cardiovascular risk in NWFP, Pakistan. Annals of King Edward Medical University, 10(2).



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