Our Experience in the Management of Intestinal Tuberculosis
Tuberculosis, Gastrointestinal. Peritonitis, Tuberculous. Tuberculosis, Lymph Node. Behavior. Electrosurgery. Computers. Learning. Electrocoagulation. Vaginal Smears.Abstract
A descriptive study of 50 cases was conducted at Surgical Unit 1, Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, Lahore from May 2001 to Jan 2003 to evaluate clinical presentation of intestinal tuberculosis. Thirty eight patients were females and twelve males. Common presentation in operated cases were abdominal pain, tenderness, vomiting, distension and absolute constipation. While in non-operative cases presentation was vague abdominal pain, fever, weight loss, constipation and diarrhoea. Evidence of tuberculosis was achieved by ESR, X-ray chest, mantoux test and histopathology. These patients were managed either surgically or conservatively by anti-tuberculous chemotherapy. Out of fifty patients, forty patients were treated with combined medical and surgical treatment while ten cases were managed by medical treatment only. One patient expired with a mortality rate of 2.5% among operated cases. This patient developed faecal fistula due to leakage from suture line. Cause of death was poor nutrition, debility, anaemia and electrolyte imbalance.
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