Effects of Conventional Physical Therapy with or without Strain Counterstrain in Patients with Trigger Points of Upper Trapezius; a Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial
Myofascial trigger point, upper trapezius, randomized controlled trial, conventional physical therapy.Abstract
Background:Â Â Non-specific neck pain has potential contributing factors. One of the factors being emphasized in the modern era is the Myofascial trigger points in the upper trapezius muscle. These could be treated by strain counterstrain method whose effectiveness needs to be evaluated. Hence, the objective of the study was to compare the effects of conventional Physical therapy with or without strain counterstrain in patients with trigger points of upper trapezius muscle.
 Patients and Methods
It is randomized controlled clinical trial.
48 patients with treatment group A (24 patients) and control group B (24 patients).
48 patients with treatment group A (24 patients) and control group B (24 patients).
Patients with non-specific neck pain, having active myofascial trigger points in upper trapezius muscle presented to physical therapy department. Effects of interventions were recorded on neck disability index, visual analogue scale and cervical range of motion goniometer.
Results of this study using repeated measure ANOVA demonstrated that within group from day 1 to 7, there was mean reduction of pain by 32.13 (26.99, 37.27) in conventional physical therapy group with Strain counterstrain group (group A) and conventional physical therapy only group (group B) by 12.62 (8.28, 16.96). Less significant improvement was seen within groups for day 1, 4 and 7 in cervical range of motion. There was significant improvement seen in pain, neck disability index and neck range of motions on day 7 between group A and B measured by independent sample t test.
Conclusion:Â Â Conventional physical therapy with strain counterstrain was found effective in reducing pain, functional disability and improving range of motion at cervical region.
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