Plasma Antithrombin III Levels and it’s Correlation with Proteinuria in Pre- Eclamptic Females: A Study of 60 Cases
Antithrombin III, proteinuria, pre-eclampsiaAbstract
The cause(s) of the low plasma antithrombin III (AT III) level in woman with pre-eclampsia (PE) is unknown. Decrease has been attributed to increased consumption, decreased synthesis or increased urinary loss. AT III levels correlate with maternal morbidity as revealed by hepato-renal damage. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the relationship of reduced plasma AT III level with proteinuria in pre-eclampsia. Sixty pre-eclamptic women (thirty with moderate and thirty patients of fulminant pre-eclampsia) were studied. Prospects of urinary loss as a cause of low AT UI level in PE were intended to be examined as proteinuria was the best predictor of foetal outcome. However, there was a significant increase (P<O.OO1) in proteinuria in PE. But correlation of proteinuria with AT Ill level in moderate PE (r-O.0083) and fulminant PE (r-O.2028) showed no significant correlation. These findings support the hypothesis that, though there is significant increase in proteinuria but it has got no significant correlation with low AT III level. Thus, it excludes proteinuria as a cause of reduced AT III level in PE. Monitoring of AT Ill level and proteinuria may be used for diagnosis and proper management of PE.
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