Frequency of Kidd Blood Group in a Section of Lahore Population.
Kidd blood group, frequency.Abstract
The prevalence of Kidd blood group was studied among 310 healthy volunteers. Jk A- was the most common blood group. Found in 91.29%, JKb was the next most common being 87.74% followed by JKB+ being 12.26% and a+was the rarest group with a frequency of 8.7%. When tested for both anti-JKa and anti-JKa+ the most common group was JK(a-b-) present in 80.09% followed by JK (a-b+) (10)%, JK(a+b-)(6.77%), while the least common group was JK(a+b+) (0.96%). The proportion of individuals with JKa- is significantly higher (P<0.005) in our population (91.29) as is significantly higher (p<0.005 in our population (91.29% as compared to Caucasian(23.6%). Whereas about 50% have phenotype JK(a+b+)’ only 0.96% of our population had this phenotype (P<0.005).
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