Increasing Burden of Cancer in Pakistan
Globally, cancer related mortalities are the second common cause of death and caused estimated 9.6 million deaths in 2018,1 whereas in Pakistan, cancers (8%) are the leading cause of demise along with ischemic heart disease (8%) and respiratory infections (8%).1 , 2 70% of deaths occurring worldwide were in developing countries due to lack of screening, late diagnosis and inaccessibility to treatment, 30% compared to 90% in high income states.1 In 2018, 173937 new patients were diagnosed to have cancer and 118442 cancer related deaths were reported in Pakistan with 310132 prevalent cancer cases over the last 5 years.3 This recent surge in oncological cases is alarming and demands timely intervention to halt the progression of cancer related mortalities as cancers that are seen in Pakistani population are those that are preventable and curable if early detected on screening with appropriate management. Breast cancers, Oral cavity cancers and Lung cancers have the highest incidence and mortality rate among the Pakistani population.Downloads
How to Cite
Increasing Burden of Cancer in Pakistan. (2020). Annals of King Edward Medical University, 26(1), 88.
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