Manual Reduction & Elective Herniotomy Is A Safe Option For Incarcerated Inguinal Hernias In Children.
Inguinal Hernia, Incarceration, Strangulation.Abstract
In span of 14 months 120 Inguinal hernias which presented to the department were analysed. Ninety Eight children were admitted through outpatients. Twenty two patients presented in emergency as incarceration. All incarcerated hernias were subjected to manual reduction under sedation. Nineteen incarcerated hernias were reduced. Three out of 22 incarcerated hernias had to be operated in emergency as they showed signs of strangulation and could not be reduced. They presented after 24 hour of incarceration. Those reduced manually (19) were operated after 2-3 days on regular operation list. Our experience of first manually reducing the incarcerated hernias and then operating after 2-3 days during the same admission, with no mortality and very low morbidity is discussed.Downloads
How to Cite
LATIF, . T. ., TAHIR, M. ., DAR, S. ., SHRAIF, M. ., & RAZA, M. N. . (2020). Manual Reduction & Elective Herniotomy Is A Safe Option For Incarcerated Inguinal Hernias In Children. Annals of King Edward Medical University, 3(3), 58–59.
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