Incidence of Non-metrical Skeletal Variants in Skulls of Pakistani Population-I
Skull, cranium.Abstract
To achieve a more objective racial assessment, sixteen classical epigenetic variants in Pakistani Muslim Crania were studied to assess the measure of divergence among various populations. Incidence of metopism and ossicles at asterion was found 60.8% and 64.8% respectively in Pakistanis, which is considerably higher as compared to other populations. Presence of maxillary torus in 6.8% Pakistani skulls is a distinct entity, not found in other populations. Present study shows that North American claim to be the most distinct population is very closely comparable to Pakistanis.Downloads
How to Cite
Incidence of Non-metrical Skeletal Variants in Skulls of Pakistani Population-I. (2020). Annals of King Edward Medical University, 2(1&2), 1–4.
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