Incision, Drainage of Soft Tissue Abscesses Followed By Primary Closure With Suction Drain Under Antibiotic Cover.
A total of fifty patients with soft tissue abscesses were managed by incision curettage and primary closure. Suction drainage was employed in all the cases under antibiotic cover. Upper arm was the most common site (44%) while Staphylococci were the commonest organisms isolated, ¡n (54%) of cases. The mean healing time was 8.4 days Twelve (24%) developed complications that included persistent infection, recurrence and discharging sinus. A case is made for the use of this technique for acute abscesses as an alternative to conventional methods of treatment.Downloads
How to Cite
CHOUDRY, Z. ., ARSHAD, A. ., MIRAJ, M. Z. U.-., & CHOUDHRY, A. . (2020). Incision, Drainage of Soft Tissue Abscesses Followed By Primary Closure With Suction Drain Under Antibiotic Cover. Annals of King Edward Medical University, 2(3&4), 42–43.
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