Pattern and Mode of Trauma for Child Amputation at Tertiary Care Hospital

Pattern and Mode of Trauma for Child Amputation at Tertiary Care Hospital


  • Abdul Latif Sami
  • Noshaba Anjum
  • Mahmood Shaukat
  • Asif Hanif
  • Kashif Siddique



Background:  Limb loss and limb deficiency are po-tentially disabling conditions affecting the health and well being of persons worldwide. There are multiple pathways to the loss of a limb. Acquired limb deficien-cies as a result of disease or physical trauma, are less ordinary. Similar to other types of trauma, determina-tion of the patterns of these injuries is necessary for establishment of preventive strategies. Thus, the pat-terns of these injuries has not yet been well defined in our set up. So the epidemiological evidence is needed to define and understand the patterns of these injuries which results in amputation in children.

Objective:  To determine the pattern, mode of injury and body part involvement in children with amputa-tion.

Methodology:  Study was carried out at Department of Pediatrics Surgery, Mayo Hospital Lahore. All pati-ents (children) with amputation during the Year 2009-2011 were included in the study. Data regarding ampu-tation injuries to children treated in Department of Pediatric Surgery from 2009 to 2011 were obtained from the Admission registers. This data includes de-mographics details, body part involved, and type of amputation. Data entry and analysis was done with the help of SPSS 15.0. Chi-square was used to see the association between different modes of trauma with amputation. P-value £ 0.05 was taken as significant.

Results:  Among these 65 children 46 were male and 19 were females. Mean age of male and female chil-dren was 7.61 ± 3.29 and 6.92 ± 3.11 years. There were 41 children who got injury at their home while the remaining 24 children suffered from injury on high way. Most frequent cause of injury was electric burn, road traffic accident, injury due to Tokka (Grass cut-ting machine in rural areas) and upper limb injury was high as compared to lower limb injury. There were 21 children who had partial amputation, 22 children had near complete and complete amputation done as a result of injury.

Conclusion:  Male children were more prone towards imputation, most frequent injury and cause of amputa-tion was RTA and electric burn. Upper extremity in-jury was more prevalent as compared to lower extre-mity injury in children who had undergone imputation.


Key Words:  Amputation, Children, Upper Extremity, Lower Extremity, Traumatic.


How to Cite

Sami, A. L., Anjum, N., Shaukat, M., Hanif, A., & Siddique, K. (2013). Pattern and Mode of Trauma for Child Amputation at Tertiary Care Hospital. Annals of King Edward Medical University, 18(1), 81.



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