Husband Related Factors Compelling Women to Take Asylum in Sheltered Homes a Case Control Survey in Lahore

Husband Related Factors Compelling Women to Take Asylum in Sheltered Homes a Case Control Survey in Lahore


  • Zunirah Asad
  • Maaz Ahmad



Background:  Women in Pakistan are also subjected to domestic violence. Some tolerate for life, but with changing trends some resist, leave home and take asy-lum in shelter houses. Domestic violence chiefly done by husbands, and there was need to know the factors related to the husbands involved in violence.

Objective:  To study the association of husband rela-ted factors compelling Women to Take Asylum in Sheltered Homes in Lahore.

Materials and Methods:  This case control study was conducted in Darulamans of Yateem Khana and Chou-burgi Lahore. 200 Interviews (100 cases, 100 controls) were made, Data was collected on pretested question-naire and analyzed with in SPSS.

Results:  Among cases, most of the husbands had edu-cation up to middle or metric i.e. 27%.Where as the occupation of most of the husbands among cases was laborer i.e. 23%. Most significant husband related fac-tors found were physical abuse, extramarital affairs of husbands, doubtful about character of wife, snatching salary of wife, put unnecessary restrictions on wife and enforcing wife in prostitution.

Conclusion:  Physical abuse, extramarital affairs of husbands, doubt about character, and enforcing wife in prostitution are chief violence types due to which wo-men take asylum in shelter homes.

Keywords:  Shelter houses, Asylum, abuse.


How to Cite

Asad, Z., & Ahmad, M. (2013). Husband Related Factors Compelling Women to Take Asylum in Sheltered Homes a Case Control Survey in Lahore. Annals of King Edward Medical University, 18(2), 238.



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