Cardiovascular Drug Interactions of Diclofenac and Dobutamine
Objectives: To find the effects of diclofenac and dobutamine during myocardial ischaemia.
Methods: The project has been designed to find out the individual and combined effects of diclofenac and dobutamine on the cardiovascular functions[Heart Rate, Blood Pressure and Coronary Blood Flow] and ECG Parameters (QRS complex, R wave and T wave) in the pentobarbitone anesthetized rabbits before and after coronary occlusion.
Results: Diclofenac in the dosage of (500-750ug/kg/min) has stimulant effect on normal heart rate while after coronary occlusion heart rate is significantly suppressed with diclofenac in the dosage of (500-1000ug/kg/min). Moreover diclofenac resulted into suppression of normal blood pressure. After coronary occlusion the combined effect of diclofenac and dobuta-mine resulted into suppression of heart rate though not significant statistically. Diclofenac in the dosage of (250-1000ug/kg/ min) results into significant increase in the normal amplitude of R wave while T wave remains unaffected. Diclofenac with dobutamine after coronary occlusion also leads to significant widening of QRS complex.
Conclusion: Diclofenac alone and with dobutamine after coronary occlusion not only slows down heart rate but also aggra-vates myocardial ischaemia.
Key Words: Myocardial ischaemia (MI), NSAIDs, Coronary occlusion (C.O), Heart Rate (H.R), Mean Arterial Pressure (MAP), Blood Pressure (B.P).
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