Comparison of Lidocaine Vs Lidocaine + Ketorolac in Intravenous Regional Anaesthesia (Bier’s Block)
Lidocaine, Ketorolac. Bier’s Block, Post-Operative analgesia.Abstract
Objective: To compare the duration of anaesthesia and degree of analgesia during intravenous regional anaesthesia using Lidocaine alone and Lidocaine with Ketorolac. Design: An international quasi experimental study. Place and duration: This study was carried out in Nishtar Hospital Multan from 01/01/2006 to 30/06/2006 (6 Months). Results: Patients were divided into two groups A & B. In group A injection Lidocaine 0.5% 40ml was given whereas in group B injection Ketorolac 30mg was add to Lidocaine 0.5% 40ml. The degree of anaesthesia and duration of analgesia were compared in both groups. Haemodynamics were also recorded to see any systemic effects of drugs. Conclusion: We conclude that 30mg Ketorolac added to Lidocaine in IVRA increases degree of anaesthesia and also provide prolonged postop analgesia.Downloads
How to Cite
YOUSUF, M. ., MASOOD, M. ., TAHIR, M. S. ., FAYYAZ, M. A. ., & WARIS, S. . (2021). Comparison of Lidocaine Vs Lidocaine + Ketorolac in Intravenous Regional Anaesthesia (Bier’s Block). Annals of King Edward Medical University, 13(1), 94–95.
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