Influence of Different Sociodemographic Factors on Body Mass Index - A Cross Sectional Survey from KEMU, Lahore

Influence of Different Sociodemographic Factors on Body Mass Index - A Cross Sectional Survey from KEMU, Lahore


  • Zahra Azeem
  • Yasmeen Azeem
  • Asif Hanif
  • Riaz Ahmed Warraich




Background:  Body mass index (BMI) is an important parameter of measurement of health status. Its signifi-cance is particularly high with relation to the medical students as they are the future health bearers of the nation. Therefore this study was conducted to explore the influence of different factors on the body mass index and give recommendations to improve the health status.

Subject and Methods:  The height and weight of the students was measured and the data was collected on a structured questionnaire. The results were analyzed using SPSS 11.5, mean ± S.D, confidence interval (C.I), ANOVA and Chi-Square was applied for des-criptive and inferential statistics. P-value ≤ 0.05 was considered significant.

Study Design:  A cross - sectional study.

Place and Duration of Study:  The study was con-ducted in the September 2010 in King Edward Medi-cal University and was completed in 5 months.

Results:  Study population consisted of 506 students, 252 (50%) male and 254 (50%) female students. 351 students (69.3%) had normal BMI, 98 (19.4%) under-weight, 51 (10%) overweight and 6 (1%) obese. The prevalence of normal BMI was significantly higher in the male gender (p-value 0.000) students who con-sumed milk (p-value 0.000) children of housewife mothers (p-value 0001) and non-smoking students (P-value .000) and children of educated parents (p-value 0.041 for mothers and 0.000 for fathers) and good physical activity. No significant association was found between BMI and class, living in rural and urban areas, living in hostel or at home father's occupation, economic status and lifestyle.

Conclusion:  About 30 percent of medical students are either underweight or overweight. Policies must be made to address the condition.

Key words:  Body mass Index, Medical Students.


How to Cite

Azeem, Z., Azeem, Y., Hanif, A., & Warraich, R. A. (2012). Influence of Different Sociodemographic Factors on Body Mass Index - A Cross Sectional Survey from KEMU, Lahore. Annals of King Edward Medical University, 17(3), 314.



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