Precipitating factors of Hepatic Coma

Precipitating factors of Hepatic Coma


  • Saira Afzal
  • Maaz Ahmad



Objective:  The objective of this study was to: Find the age and gender distribution and frequency of preci-pitating factors of hepatic coma in chronic liver dise-ase.

Study Design:  Comparative cross - sectional study.

Material and Methods:  In the Gastroenterology Unit and East Medical Ward KEMU. The study duration was one year and started in May 2005.

Fifty cases of hepatic encephalopathy due to chronic liver disease were selected. It was probability sampl-ing and random table was used. The complete record of the patients was maintained on the structured pro-forma. After informed consent all record was kept con-fidential.

Results:  Constipation, upper gastrointestinal bleed-ing, and infection were the common precipitating fac-tors. It was found that constipation was more in old age group (75%) and the difference was found signifi-cant (p< 0.05). The upper gastrointestinal bleeding was found more in young group (44%) and this was found significant (p < 0.05).

Conclusions:  The precipitating factors of hepatic encephalopathy should be early recogonized and awa-reness should be created. Lifestyle modifications like exercise, low fat diet, high fibre diet and active work should be encouraged to prevent constipation. Emer-gency endoscopic facilities should be made available.

Keywords:  Cirrhosis, encephalopathy, hepatic.




How to Cite

Afzal, S., & Ahmad, M. (2012). Precipitating factors of Hepatic Coma. Annals of King Edward Medical University, 17(3), 213.



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