Injuries To Male External Genitalia Experience At Mayo Hospital, Lahore.
Penile avulsion, degloving injury, indispensable, replantation, microreplantationAbstract
Twenty consecutive male with injuries to external genitalia were included in the study. All belonged to lower income group. Mean age we 32.2years. injuries to external genitalia included, total penile avulsion (14/20) with or without degloving of the scrotal skin, mid penile amputation (1/20), amputated glans with degloving of the rest of the penile skin (1/20), subcoronal fistula (2/20), and penile fracture (2.20). Seventy five (75%) percent of injuries occurred due to entanglement of loose clothes in the wheel belt, leading to penile avulsion while rest of the injuries occurred due to animal strike, trauma, wearing of string around the glans criminal assault and electrocution. In 14 patients perineal urethrostomy was performed suitable to our voiding posture. In one patient penile reconstruction was done which was cosmetically and functionally acceptable while rest of injuries were dealt accordingly. Total penile avulsion and degloving injuries of penis and scrotum can be prevented by erecting iron bars around the revolving wheels and belt or advising the illiterate workers to wear tight dress like pant or short. We think it is responsibility of the government to safeguard its citizens and to make laws for their benefit.Downloads
How to Cite
Injuries To Male External Genitalia Experience At Mayo Hospital, Lahore . (2020). Annals of King Edward Medical University, 3(3), 48–50.
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