Post COVID-19 Pandemic Effects in Pakistan; Infodemic and Resilience
The fateful year of 2020 will go down the annals of history as the year of the pandemic 2020 originating from the city of Wuhan in China, the COVID-19 virus spread to more than 215 countries worldwide with astoundingly swift pace. As on 12th September 2020, the virus has infected more than 27 million people worldwide and taken more than 0.9 million lives.1 From clinical point of view, the virus does not cause any illness or causes only mild but wide ranging symptoms in most of the affectees. However, in some cases, the effects of this virus, accentuated by existing morbidities like cancer, diabetes, hypertension etc., become much more devastating and fatal. The virus is highly contagious and spreads swiftly among the communities with many researchers categorizing it as an air-borne pathogen which can enter a person's respiratory system simply on inhaling the infected air.2Downloads
How to Cite
Afzal, S. ., Nasir, M. ., & Junaid, K. . (2020). Post COVID-19 Pandemic Effects in Pakistan; Infodemic and Resilience. Annals of King Edward Medical University, 26(3), 415–417.
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