Medical Students' Perception Regarding Flipped Class in Northern Border University, Saudi Arabia
Teaching strategy, Learning Process, Flipped classroom, Student centered learning, Interactive learningAbstract
Background: Flipped classroom is widely used as a learning model in the medical school, which is interactive student-centered strategy. Since flipped classroom is recently applied teaching strategy in our Faculty of Medicine, Northern Border University, the students feedback is crucial for evaluation and further improvement.
Objective: The objective of the present study is to evaluate the perception of medical students regarding flipped classes model through structured questionnaire based on graded five points Likert’s scale.
Methodology: A structured questionnaire was distributed among the willing medical students of the fourth and fifth years who had completed the diagnostic surgical pathology module with flipped class strategy in the faculty of medicine – Northern Border University Arar – KSA. The questionnaire covered the areas of students’ feedback about the course prepared electronic material, the impact of the flipped classroom model in their performance in the course and their general attitude toward the learning model.
Results: A total of seventy-eight students filled the responses which include 36 female students and 42 male students. Most of the medical students were satisfied about the prepared electronic material of the course (3.7/5) mainly for the legibility of the text and fonts in the recorded video and learning material. Also, students were satisfied about the impact of the flipped strategy in their performance (3.8/5) and showed positive attitude toward the flipped class room learning model (3.2/5). Students gender does not show significant effect on the study outcomes.
Conclusion: Based on students’ feedback, the flipped class teaching strategy is very good methodology for the learning process. The finding of the present study supports the concept that the active learning techniques are better than the passive learning strategies
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