Frequency of Anaemia in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
Background: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is a chronic inflammatory multisystem disease expec-ted to cause anaemia. Anaemia of chronic disease is relatively common in COPD patients but is an under estimated issue.
Study Objective: To determine the frequency of ana-emia in COPD patients.
Study Setting: Institute of Chest Medicine, Mayo Hospital, Lahore - a tertiary care university hospital affiliated with King Edward Medical University, Lahore.
Study Design: Cross sectional study.
Sample Size: One Hundred and two Patients of CO-PD diagnosed on standard Spirometric postbroncho-dilator FEV1/FVC % < 0.70.
Sample Technique: Purposive.
Inclusion Criteria: Clinically stable patients of all categories of COPD were included.
Exclusion Criteria: Patients of malignancy, chronic liver disease, chronic heart failure, G.I. hemorrhage, known vitamin B12 or folic acid deficiency, myocardial infarction in last one month, unstable angina, unable to perform pulmonary function test and asthmatic pati-ents were excluded.
Results: Out of 102 COPD patients anaemia was detected in 21 (20.58%), (Male 20, Female 1) cases.
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