Comparison of Mayo’s Repair with Mesh Repair for Paraumbilical Hernia in Adults

Comparison of Mayo’s Repair with Mesh Repair for Paraumbilical Hernia in Adults


  • Imran Amin
  • Amna Javed Moeen



Paraumbilical hernia is an uncharacteristic protrusion of abdominal contents that pushes through the abdo-minal wall surrounding the umbilicus.1 Strenuous acti-vities usually cause the bulge to appear around the um-bilicus.2 Paraumbilical hernia is routinely seen in our patients. The recommended treatment for this condi-tion is undoubtedly surgery. The choice of appropriate surgical procedure is still subject to debate. In adults the surgery for paraumbilical hernia is associated with a high recurrence rates of 10 – 30%.3 Obesity and mul-tiparity are important predisposing factors not only for primary but also for recurrent cases.4 The simplest and the most established method is Mayo’s overlap techni-que using non-absorbable suture material with or with-out a drain but unfortunately is troubled with high recurrence.5 The use of mesh regarding treatment stra-tegy is not new and has been reported to cause reduc-tion in recurrence rates.6 In this study an attempt was made to compare the results of mayo’s repair with on-lay mesh repair in patients presenting with this problem.



How to Cite

Amin, I., & Moeen, A. J. (2013). Comparison of Mayo’s Repair with Mesh Repair for Paraumbilical Hernia in Adults. Annals of King Edward Medical University, 18(3), 247.



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