Primigravidae with Non-Engaged Fetal Head at Term: An Audit of Delivery Outcome
Non-engaged head, Cephlopelvic disproportion, Caesarean section.Abstract
The objective of the study was to audit the delivery outcome in primigravidae with non-engaged fetal head at 37 completed weeks of gestation. This study was prospectively performed at Fatima Memoral Hospital from Ist January 1998 to 30th June 1998. A total of 56 cases were studied over six month period .Out of 56 cases, 24 (43%) had normal vaginal delivery, 30 (53%) bad Caesarean delivery and 2 (4%) had instrumental delivery. Natural spontaneous onset of labour is the single most important predictor for normal vaginal delivery in such cases. Short maternal stature (>5 feet), induction of labour and fetal weight >3.5 Kg may lead to the Caesarean delivery. Primigravidae with non-engaged fetal head at term should be regarded as high risk cases, There is an increased risk of caesarean delivery in such cases. Labour should be allowed to establish naturally, if possible, to achieve normal vaginal delivery.Downloads
How to Cite
QURESHI, N. S. ., SALEEM, F. ., & RIAZ, S. . (2020). Primigravidae with Non-Engaged Fetal Head at Term: An Audit of Delivery Outcome. Annals of King Edward Medical University, 5(2), 177–179.
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