Interpositional Arthroplasty With Custom Made Silicon Spacer For Temporo Mandibular Joint Ankylosis.
Temporomandibular joint Ankylosis, Interpositional arthroplasty, and Alloplastic arthroplasty.Abstract
A modified interposition arthroplasty technique for Temporomandibular Joint ankylosis is presented. Standard Pre-auricular Sub Fascial approach to the ankylosed joint was used. Partial excision of the ankylosed joints was performed. After excision of the ankylosed joints an Interpositional cap was carved out of a silicone block. This custom made cap was applied and fixed over the stump of the mandibular condyle. This procedure was performed in 26 joints (20 Patients) over a period of 2 ½ years i.e Feb 94 to Aug 96. Age ranged from 12-32 years. 6 (30%) patients had bilateral ankylosis while 14 (70%) patients had one side affected. Two joints (7.5%) had postoperative complications. Postoperative rehabilitation was done for all patients. We achieved good functional outcome in all patients.Downloads
How to Cite
HAMEED, A. . (2020). Interpositional Arthroplasty With Custom Made Silicon Spacer For Temporo Mandibular Joint Ankylosis. Annals of King Edward Medical University, 3(3), 72–74.
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