Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS): A deadly disease
Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome. SARS Virus. Respiratory System. Communicable Diseases, Emerging. Quarantine. Disease Outbreaks. Infection Control. Contact Tracing. Communicable Disease Control.Abstract
SARS or severe acute respiratory syndrome is a term used to describe a serious respiratory illness, which has recently been reported in parts of the world and has spread widely over the past G months. At this moment, public health authorities, physicians and scientists around the world are struggling to cope with this rapidly spreading multicountry outbreak of an unexplained new disease in humans. This appears to be the first severe and easily transmissible disease to emerge in the 21st century. Though much about the syndrome remains poorly understood, including the exact identity of the causative virus, the indications are that the outbreak is otherwise being contained.
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