Comparison of Open Hemorrhoidectomy Versus Ligasure Hemorrhoidectomy
Conventional hemorrhoidectomy, Ligasure hemorrhoidectomy, Hemorrhoids.Abstract
Background: In recent years different techniques for hemorrhoidectomy have been introduced. Ligasure hemorrhoidectomy is a new technique associated with minimum procedure related complications. Objective: To compare the surgical outcomes of ligasure and open conventional hemorrhoidectomy. Methods: 52 patients having 3rdor 4th degree hemorrhoids were included in the study. After randomly dividing the subjects into two groups, half of the cases were operated by ligasure and the other half by open hemorrhoidectomy. Surgical outcome of both the procedures was compared. Different parameters to assess the outcome were; per-operative and post-operative bleeding, procedure time, post-operative pain, retention of urine, fecal incontinence, anal stenosis, hospital stay and wound healing. Results: Intraoperative and post-operative bleeding was significantly decreased in patients with ligasure Hemorrhoidectomy (P-value <0.001 and 0.4164 respectively). Post-operative pain (P-value < 0.001) and frequency of urinary retention were also markedly low in comparison. Short procedure time (P value < 0.001) short hospital stay, and early wound healing (P value = 0.0278) were other advantages of ligasure surgery compared to conventional method. Conclusion: Ligasure hemorrhoidectomy leads to better results and less post-operative complications as compared to open conventional hemorrhoidectomy.Downloads
09/07/2021 — Updated on 11/04/2021
- 11/04/2021 (4)
- 11/04/2021 (3)
- 11/04/2021 (2)
- 09/07/2021 (1)
How to Cite
Comparison of Open Hemorrhoidectomy Versus Ligasure Hemorrhoidectomy. (2021). Annals of King Edward Medical University, 27(Special Issue (Jul-Sep), 377–382. Issue (Jul-Sep).4646 (Original work published September 7, 2021)
Research Articles

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